Free Blog Platforms

Since I am making use of a freebie with this very blog, I thought I would write a quick post about free blog paltforms and which is the best.

1. This site is built using wordpress, the features of a wordpress free account include customisable design. WordPress has tons of great looking free themes you can choose from. Many popular blogs are hosted on wordpress like this CNN One – They probably have a premium account though. You are limited by space, available themes and some features when you use the free wordpress platform. You need to upgrade to get your own custom domain, more designs etc.

2. Blogger You might be wondering what a blog actually is so here is a quote from “A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.”

Blogger is owned by Google. Lot’s of designs to choose from, more storage space than wordpress, custom designs – probably has more features though.

3. Typead Typead offer a free and premium service similar to Nice looking designs. Not as many features as the above 2 though I think.

Benefits of using a free blog platform:

1. It doesn’t cost anything
2. You have the blog on a subdomain like this site, so it means you have the power of a pr9 domain that has thousands of links pointing to it and you should be able to get Pagerank and search rankings more quickly and easily.

Of course the big disadvantage of user a free blog as opposed to hosting your own is control, for example don’t allow you to post affiliate links or advertising on your blog. So if you want to make money from your site, you really need your own self hosted site. See these Webhosting and other webmaster offers if you want to make money from your site.